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Creating Your First Apps Script: A Beginner's Tutorial


Google Apps Script is a powerful tool that allows developers to create custom scripts and applications that interact with Google products, such as Gmail, Google Sheets, and Google Drive. In this tutorial, we'll create our first Apps Script, a simple script that logs a message to the console. We'll also cover some common use cases for Apps Script and provide some well-commented code snippets to help you get started.


Getting Started with Apps Script

To get started with Apps Script, you'll need to have a Google account. Once you have an account, you can access the Apps Script editor by going to

When you open the editor, you'll see a blank script file. This is where you'll write your code. To create a new script, click on the "New Script" button in the toolbar.

Your First Apps Script

Let's create our first Apps Script, a simple script that logs a message to the console. To do this, copy the following code into the script file:

function helloWorld() {
  console.log('Hello, world!');

The helloWorld() function is the entry point for our script. When we run the script, the helloWorld() function will be called and the message "Hello, world!" will be logged to the console.

To run the script, click on the "Run" button in the toolbar. The console will open at the bottom of the script editor and you'll see the message "Hello, world!" logged to the console.

Common Use Cases for Apps Script

Apps Script can be used for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Automating tasks in Google products, such as sending emails, creating spreadsheets, and scheduling events
  • Creating custom web applications that interact with Google products
  • Developing add-ons for Google products, such as Gmail and Sheets
  • Integrating Google products with other applications and services

Well-Commented Code Snippets

Here are some well-commented code snippets that demonstrate how to use Apps Script to perform common tasks:

Logging a Message to the Console

function logMessage() {
  // Log a message to the console
  console.log('Hello, world!');

Sending an Email

function sendEmail() {
  // Get the email address of the recipient
  var recipient = '';

  // Get the subject of the email
  var subject = 'Hello, world!';

  // Get the body of the email
  var body = 'This is an email sent from Apps Script.';

  // Send the email
  MailApp.sendEmail(recipient, subject, body);

Creating a Spreadsheet

function createSpreadsheet() {
  // Create a new spreadsheet
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create('My Spreadsheet');

  // Get the first sheet of the spreadsheet
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheets()[0];

  // Set the values of some cells in the sheet

  // Save the spreadsheet
  spreadsheet.saveAs('My Spreadsheet');

Scheduling an Event

function scheduleEvent() {
  // Get the start date and time of the event
  var startDate = new Date();
  var startTime = new Date();
  startTime.setHours(startDate.getHours() + 1);

  // Get the end date and time of the event
  var endDate = new Date();
  var endTime = new Date();
  endTime.setHours(endDate.getHours() + 2);

  // Get the title of the event
  var title = 'My Event';

  // Get the location of the event
  var location = 'My Office';

  // Create the event
  var event = CalendarApp.createEvent(title, startDate, endDate, {location: location});

  // Save the event;

In this tutorial, we've created our first Apps Script, a simple script that logs a message to the console. We've also covered some common use cases for Apps Script and provided some well-commented code snippets to help you get started. With a little practice, you'll be able to use Apps Script to create powerful and useful scripts that automate tasks and extend the functionality of Google products.


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